Hello! Most of our website is about our team at work, here are some pictures of us at play.
Hello! Most of our website is about our team at work, here are some pictures of us at play.
Our Fiksters fired up their pots and cooked some amazing chili. It was a battle of flavors but there could only be one winner for Best Chili. The new reigning champion is Andrew with his Smoked Chili! Jon’s Green Chicken Chili won the Most Unique. Congrats to both of you. All the cornbread and chili…
The team had a great time completing quests at Boda Borg in Malden! They solved puzzles that were both mind and body challenges. Very fun and collaborative!
Happy Holidays from everyone at Re:Build Fikst. We hope your holidays will be filled with joy and laughter through the New Year.
A group of Fiksters participated in a gift exchange that required the gift to be made/built. It was so fun to see everyone’s creativity!
Re:Build Fikst is proud to have held a clothing/toiletry drive to help Catie’s Closet in their mission of providing clothing and basic necessities for students in need.
Another spooktacular Halloween! Daily trivia questions for the month of October, Pun Costumes, and a Potluck Lunch. Emilie was the winner of our Halloween Daily Trivia, with Kris coming in 2nd place. Leah had the most correct answers for the Pun costumes! Happy Halloween to all!